7月7日上午8:00,云顶yd222备用线路检测邀请的美国奥本大学的Yucheng Feng教授走进我校三教B202录播教室,为云顶yd222备用线路检测本科生全英文讲授《有机污染物的生物降解》课程。该课程共有16学时,将于7月7日至10日期间每天讲授四个学时。
暑期课程教师Yucheng Feng教授简介:
Dr. Yucheng Feng is a Professor of Environmental Soil Microbiology in the Department of Crop, Soil and Environmental Sciences at Auburn University. She received her B.S. degree in Soil and Agricultural Chemistry at Beijing Agricultural University, Beijing, China. She then earned her M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Soil Microbiology and Biochemistry from the Pennsylvania State University. She joined the faculty of Auburn University in 1998 after completing her postdoctoral study at Michigan State University. Dr. Feng’s research focuses on microbial processes that are important to environmental quality and soil productivity. She studies microbial degradation of organic pollutants, fecal contamination in surface waters, and soil microbial community structure in agricultural and forest ecosystems. Some of her representative publications can be found in Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Environmental Science and Technology, and Soil Biology and Biochemistry. Dr. Feng has secured >$3.1 million in research grants from federal and state governmental agencies as well as other sources.