姓名:刘玉荣 职称:教授/博导
办公室:主楼307A ; 电话:027-87286165
国家杰出青年基金获得者,入选国家青年拔尖人才计划。主要研究兴趣为土壤微生物与污染物相互作用以及微生物调控的生态过程。主持国家杰出青年科学基金、国家重点研发课题、湖北省重大科技专项、面上基金等科研项目。科技部十三五“农业面源和重金属污染农田综合防治”重点专项绩效评估总体组专家、中国生态学会污染生态专业委员会委员。J Sustain Agr Environ编委及土壤学报、环境科学青年编委等。以第一/通讯(含共同)作者在Nature Food、 Nature Communications、 ISME J、 Microbiome、 Environ Sci Technol、 Global Change Biol、 Soil Biol Biochem等期刊发表论文60余篇。
1) 国家杰出青年基金:土壤污染物生物转化与调控,2025-2029
2) 国家重点研发课题:关键元素和特征污染物多界面迁移转化过程识别与模
3) 湖北省重大专项:湖北省坡耕地健康土壤培育与产能提升关键技术,2023-2025
4) 国家自然科学基金面上项目:稻田土壤元素生态化学计量比对甲基汞积累影响的微生物学机制, 2022~2025
1) Liu, Y.-R.*, van der Heijden, M.G.A., Riedo, J., Sanz-Lazaro, C., Eldridge, D.J., Bastida, F., Moreno-Jiménez, E., Zhou, X.-Q., Hu, H.-W., He, J.-Z., Moreno, J.L., Abades, S., Alfaro, F., Bamigboye, A.R., Berdugo, M., Blanco-Pastor, J.L., de los Ríos, A., Duran, J., Grebenc, T., Illán, J.G., Makhalanyane, T.P., Molina-Montenegro, M.A., Nahberger, T.U., Peñaloza-Bojacá, G.F., Plaza, C., Rey, A., Rodríguez, A., Siebe, C., Teixido, A.L., Casado-Coy, N., Trivedi, P., Torres-Díaz, C., Verma, J.P., Mukherjee, A., Zeng, X.-M., Wang, L., Wang, J., Zaady, E., Zhou, X., Huang, Q., Tan, W., Zhu, Y.-G., Rillig, M.C., Delgado-Baquerizo, M.* (2023) Soil contamination in nearby natural areas mirrors that in urban greenspaces worldwide. Nature Communications 14, 1706.
2) Zhong, H.*, Tang, W., Li, Z., Sonne, C*., Lam, S.S., Zhang, X., Kwon, S.Y., Rinklebe, J., Nunes, L.M., Yu, R.-Q., Gu, B., Hintelmann, H., Tsui, M.T.-K., Zhao, J., Zhou, X.-Q., Wu, M., Liu, B., Hao, Y., Chen, L. *, Zhang, B., Tan, W., Zhang, X.-X., Ren, H., Liu, Y.-R*. (2024) Soil Geobacteraceae are the key predictors of neurotoxic methylmercury bioaccumulation in rice. Nature Food 5, 301-311.
3) Chen, K.-H., Feng, J.*, Bodelier, P.L.E., Yang, Z., Huang, Q., Delgado-Baquerizo, M., Cai, P., Tan, W., Liu, Y.-R*. (2024) Metabolic coupling between soil aerobic methanotrophs and denitrifiers in rice paddy fields. Nature Communications 15, 3471.
4) Feng, J., Liu, Y.-R.*, Eldridge, D., Huang, Q., Tan, W., Delgado-Baquerizo, M.* (2024) Geologically younger ecosystems are more dependent on soil biodiversity for supporting function. Nature Communications 15, 4141.
5) Feng, J., Pan, R., Hu, H.-W., Huang, Q., Zheng, J., Tan, W*., Liu, Y.-R.*, Delgado-Baquerizo, M. (2023) Effects of integrated rice-crayfish farming on soil biodiversity and functions. Science Bulletin 68, 2311-2315.
6) Zhang, C.-J.#, Liu, Y.-R.#, Cha, G., Liu, Y., Zhou, X.-Q., Lu, Z., Pan, J., Cai, M., Li, M. (2023) Potential for mercury methylation by Asgard archaea in mangrove sediments. The ISME Journal 17, 478-485.
7) Liu, Y.-R.*, Delgado-Baquerizo, M., Bi, L., Zhu, J., He, J.-Z. (2018) Consistent responses of soil microbial taxonomic and functional attributes to mercury pollution across China. Microbiome 6, 183.
8) Chen, L., Zhou, J., Guo, L.*, Bian, X., Xu, Z., Chen, Q., Wen, S.-H., Wang, K., Liu, Y.-R*. (2024) Global Distribution of Mercury in Foliage Predicted by Machine Learning. Environmental Science & Technology 58, 15629-15637.
9) Liu, Y.-R., Guo, L., Yang, Z., Xu, Z., Zhao, J., Wen, S.-H., Delgado-Baquerizo, M., Chen, L.* (2023) Multidimensional Drivers of Mercury Distribution in Global Surface Soils: Insights from a Global Standardized Field Survey. Environmental Science & Technology 57, 12442-12452.
10) Zhang, S., Li, B., Chen, Y., Zhu, M., Pedersen, J.A., Gu, B., Wang, Z., Li, H., Liu, J., Zhou, X.-Q., Hao, Y.-Y., Jiang, H., Liu, F., Liu, Y.-R*, Yin, H*. (2023) Methylmercury Degradation by Trivalent Manganese. Environmental Science & Technology 57, 5988-5998.
11) Hao, Y.-Y., Zhu, Y.-J., Yan, R.-Q., Gu, B., Zhou, X.-Q., Wei, R.-R., Wang, C., Feng, J., Huang, Q., Liu, Y.-R*. (2022) Important roles of thiols in methylmercury uptake and translocation by rice plants. Environmental Science & Technology 56, 6765-6773.
12) Zhao, Y., Hu, H.-W., Su, J.-Q., Hao, X., Guo, H., Liu, Y.-R*, Zhu, Y.-G. (2021) Influence of Legacy Mercury on Antibiotic Resistomes: Evidence from Agricultural Soils with Different Cropping Systems. Environmental Science & Technology 55, 13913-13922.
13) Zhou, X.-Q., Hao, Y.-Y., Gu, B., Feng, J., Liu, Y.-R*, Huang, Q. (2020) Microbial Communities Associated with Methylmercury Degradation in Paddy Soils. Environmental Science & Technology 54, 7952-7960.
14) Liu, Y.-R*., Yang, Z., Zhou, X., Qu, X., Li, Z., Zhong, H. (2019) Overlooked Role of Putative Non-Hg Methylators in Predicting Methylmercury Production in Paddy Soils. Environmental Science & Technology 53, 12330-12338.
15) Liu, Y.-R*., Johs, A., Bi, L., Lu, X., Hu, H.-W., Sun, D., He, J.-Z., Gu, B. (2018) Unraveling Microbial Communities Associated with Methylmercury Production in Paddy Soils. Environmental Science & Technology 52, 13110-13118.
16) Liu, Y.-R., Lu, X., Zhao, L., An, J., He, J.-Z., Pierce, E.M., Johs, A., Gu, B*. (2016) Effects of Cellular Sorption on Mercury Bioavailability and Methylmercury Production by Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ND132. Environmental Science & Technology 50, 13335-13341.
17) Wen, S., Chen, J., Yang, Z., Deng, L., Feng, J., Zhang, W., Zeng, X.-M., Huang, Q., Delgado-Baquerizo, M., Liu, Y.-R*. (2023) Climatic seasonality challenges the stability of microbial-driven deep soil carbon accumulation across China. Global Change Biology https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.16760
18) Zeng, X.-M., Feng, J., Yu, D.-L., Wen, S.-H., Zhang, Q., Huang, Q., Delgado-Baquerizo, M., Liu, Y.-R* (2022) Local temperature increases reduce soil microbial residues and carbon stocks. Global Change Biology 28, 6433-6445.