姓名:冯娇 职称:副研究员,硕士生导师
个人简介:主要研究兴趣为退化生态系统生态恢复以及土壤生物多样性演化及其对生源要素循环的影响机制。主持国家自然科学基金面上、青年以及中国博士后基金等5项,以第一通讯在Nat Commun、Sci Bull、Biol Rev、Soil Biol & Biochem、Global Biogeochem Cy等期刊发表论文10余篇。担任《Diversity》期刊客座编辑,《Soil Bio & Biochem》、《Global Biogeochem Cy》、《Geoderma》等期刊审稿人。
2019.07至今 云顶yd222备用线路检测资源与环境学院副研究员
2017.03-2019.06 中国科学院武汉植物园生态学博士后
2011.09-2016.11 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所 土壤学(应用土壤生物化学) 农学博士学位
2007.09至2011.06 云顶yd222备用线路检测 农业资源与环境 农学学士学位
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 2024/1-2027/12, 50万,在研,主持
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 2021/1-2024/12, 58万,在研,主持
3. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,2018/1-2020/12, 24万,结题,主持
4. 云顶yd222备用线路检测自主科技创新基金,2020.1-2022.12, 20万,结题,主持
4. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,2018/9-2019/6,5万,结题,主持
1. 冯娇. Inhibited enzyme activities in macroaggregates contribute to enhanced carbon sequestration under afforestation in central China. 第七届中国生态学俱乐部学术年会. 2017.12.17-19. 口头报告;
2. 冯娇. Coupling of carbon and nitrogen cycle in soil aggregates following afforestation: Evidence from stable isotopes and enzymes. 第五届全国稳定同位素生态学学术研讨会. 2018.09.16-19. 口头报告。
1) Feng, J., Liu, YR*, Eldridge D., Huang, Q., Tan, W., Delgado-Baquerizo, M.*. 2024. Geologically younger ecosystems are more dependent on soil biodiversity for supporting function. Nature Communications, 15, 4141 (2024).
2) Chen, KH., Feng, J.*., Bodelier L. E., P., Yang, Z., Huang, Q., Delgado-Baquerizo, M., Cai, P., Tan, W., Liu, YR*. Metabolic couplings between soil aerobic methanotrophs and denitrifiers in rice paddy fields. Nature Communications, 15, 3471 (2024).
3) Feng, J., Pan, R., Hu, H.W., Huang, Q., Zheng, J., Tan, W.*, Liu, Y.-R.*, Delgado-Baquerizo, M., 2023a. Effects of integrated rice-crayfish farming on soil biodiversity and functions. Science Bulletin 68, 2311-2315.
4) Feng, J., Yu, D., Sinsabaugh, R.L., Moorhead, D.L., Andersen, M.N.N., Smith, P., Song, Y., Li, X., Huang, Q., Liu, Y.-R.*, Chen, J.*, 2023c. Trade-offs in carbon-degrading enzyme activities limit long-term soil carbon sequestration with biochar addition. Biological Reviews 98, 1184-1199.
5) Feng, J., Song, Y., Zheng, J., Long, C., Zhang, D., Lu, Y., Chen, Q., Cheng, X.*, 2023b. Microbial adaptations within fine-scale soil structure alleviate phosphorus limitation on carbon sequestration following afforestation. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 37, e2023GB007691.
6) Feng J.#, Yang F.#, Wu J., Chen Q., Zhang Q., Cheng X.. 2020. Contrasting soil C and N dynamics inferred from δ13C and δ15N values along a climatic gradient in southern China. Plant and Soil, 452(2): 217–231.
7) Feng J., Zeng X.M., Zhang Q., Zhou X., Liu, Y.-R.*, Huang Q.. 2021. Soil microbial trait-based strategies drive metabolic efficiency along an altitude gradient. ISME Communications, 1, 71: https://doi.org/10.1038/s43705-021-00076-2.
8) Feng J, Wei K., Chen Z.H., Lü X.T., Tian J.H., Wang C., Chen L.J.. 2019. Coupling and decoupling of soil carbon and nutrient cycles across an aridity gradient in the drylands of northern China: evidence from ecoenzymatic stoichiometry. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 30: doi:10.1029/2018GB006112.
9) Feng J, Wu J.J., Zhang Q., Zhang D.D., Li Q.X., Long C.Y., Yang F., Chen Q., Cheng X.L.. 2018. Stimulating of nitrogen-hydrolyzing enzymes in soil aggregates mitigates nitrogen constraint for carbon sequestration following afforestation in subtropical China. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 123:136–144.
10) Feng J, Benjamin L. Turner, Wei K., Tian J.H., Chen Z.H., Lü X.T., Wang C., Chen L.J.. 2018. Divergent composition and turnover of soil organic nitrogen along a climate gradient in arid and semiarid grasslands. Geoderma, 327: 36-44.
11) Feng J, Turner B. L., Lü X.T., Chen Z.H., Wei K., Tian J.H., Wang C., Luo W.T., Chen L.J.. 2016. Phosphorus transformations along a large-scale climosequence in arid and semiarid grasslands of northern China. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 30: doi:10.1002/2015GB005331.