1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,41671253,水旱轮作系统下土壤有机碳稳定性特征及驱动机制,2017/01-2020/12,在研,参加
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,31670506,持续扰动下农田SOM固持及微生物学机制,2017/01-2020/12,在研,参加
3. 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划),2012CB417106,典型流域陆地生态系统-大气碳氮气体交换关键过程、规律与调控原理之6:数据综合分析与集成研究,2012/03-2016/03,已结题,参加
4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,41171212,土壤N2O与CO2排放的关系及其与有机碳的耦合机制,2012/01-2015/12,已结题,参加
5. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金,2012ZYTS031,基于化学品结构特征的物种敏感度分布研究,2012/01-2013/12,已结题,主持
6. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,40601085,有机磷农药的生态毒性及物种敏感度分布研究,2007/01-2009/12,已结题,主持
7. 校科研启动基金项目,部分有机磷农药的分子相互作用力场分析,2006/01-2008/12,已结题,主持
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2. Wu, L., Tang, S., He, D., Wu, X., Shaaban, M., Wang, M.,Zhao, J., Khan, I., Zheng, X., Hu, R., et al. (2017). Conversion from rice to vegetable production increases N2O emission via increased soil organic matter mineralization. Science of The Total Environment583, 190–201.
3. Zhao, J., and Chen, B. (2016). Species sensitivity distribution for chlorpyrifos to aquatic organisms: Model choice and sample size. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety125, 161–169.
4. Hu, G., He, H., Zhang, W.,Zhao, J., Cui, J., Li, B., and Zhang, X. (2016). The transformation and renewal of soil amino acids induced by the availability of extraneous C and N. Soil Biology and Biochemistry96, 86–96.
5. Wang, M., Hu, R.,Zhao, J., Kuzyakov, Y., and Liu, S. (2016). Iron oxidation affects nitrous oxide emissions via donating electrons to denitrification in paddy soils. Geoderma271, 173–180.
6. Xie, H.,Zhao, J., Wang, Q., Sui, Y., Wang, J., Yang, X., Zhang, X., and Liang, C. (2015). Soil type recognition as improved by genetic algorithm-based variable selection using near infrared spectroscopy and partial least squares discriminant analysis. Scientific Reports5.
7. Wu, Y., Shaaban, M.,Zhao, J., Hao, R., and Hu, R. (2015). Effect of the earthworm gut-stimulated denitrifiers on soil nitrous oxide emissions. European Journal of Soil Biology70, 104–110.
8. Shaaban, M., Peng, Q., Hu, R., Wu, Y., Lin, S., andZhao, J.(2015). Dolomite application to acidic soils: a promising option for mitigating N2O emissions. Environmental Science and Pollution Research22, 19961–19970.
9. Liu, S., Hu, R.,Zhao, J., Brüggemann, N., Bol, R., Cai, G., Lin, S., and Shaaban, M. (2014). Flooding effects on soil phenol oxidase activity and phenol release during rice straw decomposition. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci.177, 541–547.
10.Liu, S., Hu, R., Cai, G., Lin, S.,Zhao, J., and Li, Y. (2014). The role of UV-B radiation and precipitation on straw decomposition and topsoil C turnover. Soil Biology and Biochemistry77, 197–202.
11.Lü, H., He, H.,Zhao, J., Zhang, W., Xie, H., Hu, G., Liu, X., Wu, Y., and Zhang, X. (2013). Dynamics of fertilizer-derived organic nitrogen fractions in an arable soil during a growing season. Plant Soil373, 595–607.
12.Iqbal, J., LIN, S., HU, R.-G., andZHAO, J.-S. (2013). CH4Oxidation Potentials of Different Land Uses in Three Gorges Reservoir Area of Central Subtropical China. Pedosphere23, 609–619.
13.Zhao, J., and Yu, S. (2013). Quantitative structure–activity relationship of organophosphate compounds based on molecular interaction fields descriptors. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology35, 228–234.
14.Lin, S., Iqbal, J., Hu, R., Ruan, L., Wu, J.,Zhao, J., and Wang, P. (2012). Differences in nitrous oxide fluxes from red soil under different land uses in mid-subtropical China. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment146, 168–178.
15.Lin, S., Iqbal, J., Hu, R., Wu, J.,Zhao, J., Ruan, L., and Malghani, S. (2011). Nitrous oxide emissions from rape field as affected by nitrogen fertilizer management: A case study in Central China. Atmospheric Environment45, 1775–1779.
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